Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Obama Regime targeting Romney supporter Frank VanderSloot and 7 others for Destruction-Chicago Thug Style

This is story you won�t find the front page of the Washington Post or the New York Times.  
The Blaze reports Team Obama �named and shamed� eight private citizens for donating to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, The Blaze reported two weeks ago.

Frank VanderSloot, one of the eight men detailed by the president�s �Truth Team,� is discovering what it means to be on a president�s �enemies list.�

VanderSloot has run a wellness-products company called Melaleuca Inc. out of Idaho Falls, IA, for the last 26 years, the Wall Street Journal�s Kimberley A. Strassel reports. By all accounts, it�s a healthy and prosperous company � something of a rarity in this current economy. But that doesn�t matter to certain members of �Team Obama.� VanderSloot gave $1 million to the pro-Romney Super PAC Restore Our Future and that was enough to land him a spot on the enemies list.

The eight donors are �wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records� and some of them have even been on the �wrong side of the law,� according to President Obama�s KeepingGOPHonest site.

And as for VanderSloot, he is a �litigious, combative and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement,� the site claims.

More here
Disgusting!  This is the character of the Obama WEhite House. 

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