Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Marco Rubio on Fox news Sunday: No such thing as The Hispanic vote

Democrats and their willing whores in the media are feeding a false narrative that the Hispanic vote is a slam dunk for President Obama.  Well, as a Latino myself I can say that we�re not a lock-step monolith like African Americans.  Democrat don�t like hearing that, but it�s too damn bad!
Gateway Pundit reports Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was on FOX News Sunday this morning with Chris Wallace. The popular Florida conservative told Wallace,
�I think if you look at the Obama record it is not a record of upward mobility. It is a record of record job losses and record unemployment. People dropping out of the job search. Hispanics have been disproportionately affected by the Obama administration�s bad policies with regard to the economy

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